10 Interesting Facts About Laminate Countertops

26 March 2023
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26 March 2023, Comments: 0
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Laminate is versatile, dependable, and relatively inexpensive compared to other countertop materials. The vast selection of colours and patterns provided at Triplast makes laminate an appealing, economical choice for any kitchen or bathroom. Here are a few facts about laminate countertops:

  1. Laminate countertops are as scratch resistant as granite.
  2. Laminate countertops are as heat resistant as quartz countertops.
  3. Laminate countertops are more stain resistant than granite and solid surface tops.
  4. Unlike other countertop materials laminate doesn’t support mold or bacteria growth.
  5. Laminate countertop advantages include durability, low cost, easy care, and stain resistance.
  6. Laminate countertops are a low cost option and are easy to clean and require little maintenance.
  7. Laminate countertops are offered in an endless amount of colors and designs.
  8. Laminate countertops are one of the least expensive countertop options available.
  9. You can easily achieve the look of real stone or granite with lamiante countertops.
  10. Laminate countertops are versatile and customizable.
  11. Laminate countertops offer more edge choices compared to other materials.
  12. Laminate countertops are do not require special chemicals for cleaning.
  13. Laminate countertops are durable and could withstand everyday use.
  14. Only laminate countertops can be formed into a seamless cove back splash to keep all those nasty spills fromm going behind the cabinets.


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