90° No drip edge front, rear post formed countertops
Standard measurements:
- Kitchen countertop depth is 25”
- Vanity countertop depth is 23”
- Bar countertop depth is 27½”
- Backsplashes are 4” high (measured from the top of the counter)
- Depth is measured front to back.
- Width is measured left to right.
- Backsplash height is measured from surface of countertop.
- If the counter top is not “standard”, note all of the differences on the Order Form.
- Indicate length of tops in inches only, i.e., 87” not 7’3".
- Always Indicate depth of countertop: e.g., 25” or 23”.
- Do not forget to indicate your choice of colour.
Measuring tips:
- Measure the wall directly behind the existing countertop or new cabinets.
- Use our Order form to write down measurements; please use one form for each colour and style.
- Select the appropriate diagram on the order form and write your measurements in the spaces provided. Check that all sizes are specified.
- Place vanity, kitchen and square tops on separate forms; using the appropriate term as indicated under the Order Form section.
- Use our Order form to write down measurements; please use one form for each colour and style.
- If the shape of the counter top is unusual, please bring in a template.
Make sure that the counter top will fit through doorways, hallways, staircases, etc.
- On L-shapes show the depth on both sides of the L-shape drawing.
- Indicate special sizes by circling or highlighting the measurement.
- Finished end caps are 1½”, unless otherwise mentioned.
- If rounded corners are required, indicate radius by the inch in a footnote - i.e., 2” radius and draw in the curve.
- For boxes and special cut-outs, bring a template of the top. Out of “Square” counters, also require a template
- Show the length and width of the cut-outs.
- We suggest a counter top have a 1” overhang on each side when sitting on a cabinet (remember this when ordering)